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C H R Y S A L I S M ~ a playlist...

On the 24th April, I'm releasing my first poetry collection; chrysalism.

My aim since I can remember was to release a book by the age of 18, and maybe I'm a year later, but I figured releasing a book a day before I turn 19 works just as well. So I've decided to finally just bite the bullet and do it.

The collection is a compilation of my work over the past year, moving through themes and emotions with the seasons. It's all printed, folded, bound by me, making every inch of the book mine mine mine. I'm bursting with excitement, and nerves. I'll be releasing the book for pre-order in the coming weeks, and it would mean the world to have people buy and support this somewhat ridiculous project, and me as a writer.

But for now, a playlist. I put this together after I completed my first draft, with each group of songs flowing perfectly with the poems while also showing a lot of my biggest inspirations- Patti Smith, Stevie Nicks, Lucas Jones, Kate Bush and Jeff Buckley. It gives a little taster of whats to come.

I don't quite have the words for how I'm feeling right now. I've been thinking a lot about death of the author and how in a couple of weeks all these words about all these situations will no longer be quite as private as they once were, they won't be quite as mine. And I think I'm excited for that. I currently taking a creative writing course, and it's fascinated me totally seeing how people have interpreted my work completely different to me, when I see it as solidly born from it's context or the pain or emotion that caused it. I love it, but it's scary. After the 24th I'll have no control, and those words will be the world's.

I can't wait to share, more info to follow soon.

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