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This Facebook Group Is All About Crappy Wildlife Photos And They Are So Bad They’re Good (73 New Pics)

Welcome to the wonderfully weird world of bad wildlife photos, brought to you by the friendly and (sometimes) camera-savvy people from the Crap Wildlife Photography Facebook group. In case you haven’t heard about these up-and-comers, they’re dedicated exclusively to (yup—you guessed it!) crappy wildlife photos.

We’ve collected some of the best new photos from the group to boost your mood and give you a good chuckle, so scroll down, upvote your fave ones, and post your own bad photos of wild animals in the comments below. You can check out Bored Panda’s previous articles about the fantastic Crap Wildlife Photography group right here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

The founder of the group, Tristan Kennedy, previously told Bored Panda all about the online community. Founded back in 2015, the group went absolutely viral in January 2020 and now boasts over 385.7k members. And the amount of content their members submit each day is absolutely staggering!

More info: Facebook (Group) | Facebook (Page) | Instagram | Twitter

#1 This Wild Boar Ran So Fast It Rendered Itself Into A Cave Painting


Image credits: Olle Hemmendorff‎

#2 The Majestic Elk


Image credits: Jennifer Garrison

#3 Took This Right When She Hit The Jackpot


Image credits: Martine Bacci Siegel

Tristan told Bored Panda that he created the group after somebody on another group called Crap Bird Photography asked if there was a page for all wildlife. “There wasn't one that I could find so I created it."

He pointed out that growth had always been slow but steady over the past few years. However, this January, there was a massive uptick in the number of followers, and Tristan had to add the first bunch of new admins to help manage the group.

“Numbers increased from about 15,000 in January to about 45,000 at the start of April. The first Bored Panda article triggered a large spike in numbers—our group numbers spiked from about 45,000 to 100,000 in a few days. Overall, 300,000 have joined since January."

#4 Mine


Image credits: Billie Batek‎

#5 Peace On The Delaware River, NY ✌️


Image credits: Cassie Ward

#6 The Look On His Face Says It All


Image credits: Viana Santoni-Oliver‎

Tristan also told us all about the appeal of crappy wildlife photos: people love ‘em because nearly everyone has taken bad photos. “The 'good' photo groups aren't interested in bad photography, of course, so it gives people somewhere to share their lesser quality photos and have a laugh at themselves,” he said.

The amount of content the group’s admins have to moderate is massive. They get more than 1,000 submissions each day. But far from all of them make it to the page. Some photos might not make the cut because they don’t adhere to the rules of the group while others might not get featured because they’re too similar.

"We get a lot of very similar photos (deer and squirrels seem to be the most common), we try to keep the page interesting by posting a mixture of different kinds of wildlife. We try to make the group as inclusive and light-hearted as possible, somewhere to have a laugh and forget about reality, so to speak."

#7 This Is What I Woke Up To


Image credits: Lulis Leal‎

#8 I Relate To This Frog At A Subconscious Level


Image credits: Jack Bancroft

#9 Finally - Proof


Image credits: Tane Apanui‎

#10 The Campground We Stayed At Has A Bathroom Attendant. But All He Does Is Silently Judge Your Hand Washing Skills


Image credits: Jessica Burke‎

#11 Tried To Get A Shot Of This Beautiful Doe While Golden Hour Driving Tonight. She Had...um...*other* Plans... Went Full On Derp On Me


Image credits: Rick Eubanks‎

#12 I Waited For Hours To Take A Decent Shot, But I Ended Up With This Out Of Focus Picture Of A Fat Marmot...


Image credits: Incze Beáta-Izabella

#13 Freedom


Image credits: Mel Garside

#14 Toupee On Fleek My Guy


Image credits: Tracey Meyer

#15 Peek A Boo


Image credits: Sharon Thomsen

#16 Nothing To See Here Folks. Just The Ass End Of A Fox. And His Giant Fish.


Image credits: Andy Fisher

#17 Thought I Had Nailed The Best Ever Picture Of A Norwegian Moose. Ended Up With Something More Like A Star Wars´creature


Image credits: Stig Morten Eggesvik

#18 Photo Bomber, Level Expert!


Image credits: Judy Anne

#19 Deer Are So Graceful And Majestic!


Image credits: David Dodson‎

#20 Vvvvvvrrrrrrrroooooooooommmmmmmmm


Image credits: Angie Dittrich‎

#21 The Boys On Their Way To Hooters...


Image credits: Tab Powell‎

#22 Hello, Your Out Of Birdseed.....refill Please


Image credits: Linn Greenhalge Felker‎

#23 Erm...hello!


Image credits: Louise Cain‎

#24 He Looks Like He Has Something Interesting To Tell Me


Image credits: Kaoutar Bouakka‎

#25 This Majestic Canada Goose Would Not Hold His Head Up For A Photo


Image credits: Mike Digout

#26 On My Way To Becoming A Great Nature Photographer


Image credits: Mwendwa Rwakatare‎

#27 My Happy Little Garden Buddy


Image credits: Desiree Severs

#28 Squirrel Lazer Beam Eyes? I'm Sure Its Fine


Image credits: Jo Kelly‎

#29 So Majestic


Image credits: Timm Davis

#30 The Only Buffalo Picture I Managed To Take


Image credits: Sarah Smith‎

#31 This Little Dude Examined My Amazon Delivery For A Good 3 Minutes Before Deciding It Wasn’t For Him. This Might Not Be Crappy Enough... But It’s Definitely The Most Adorable Wildlife Photo I’ve Ever Taken


Image credits: Bethany Platter‎

#32 Me Trying To Take A Picture Of A Snail In My Backyard. All I Got Was His Eyeball...


Image credits: Katja Verschuren

#33 The Un-Chase


Image credits: Vanessa Carr‎

#34 I Would Like To Present..... "Fireflies In The Dark". Please, No Autographs, I Won't Have Time To Reply To Emails Or Messages. I'll Be Heading To The Wilderness For A Nat Geo Expedition Soon. I Hope You All Enjoy The Beauty And Incredible Detail Of These Amazing Shots


Image credits: Tiffany Maxwell

#35 Tried To Get What I Thought Would Be A Great Photo Of A Pygmy Hippo Returning To The Surface Of Its Pond/Water Pit. Never Imagined It Would Be So Filthy. Has A Slightly 'Dino' Look About It!


Image credits: Jo Hudson

#36 Green Heron Looking Majestic?


Image credits: Charlie Alolkoy‎

#37 This Fox Looks A Bit Rough


Image credits: Al Coe‎

#38 My First Post To This Group. The Two-Finned Emporer Angelfish. Both Rare And Unusual.


Image credits: Gary Harris‎

#39 I Want To Speak To A Manager!


Image credits: Denise Parker

#40 Years Of Honing Skills, Very Top-Line Wildlife Camera Equipment, Ridiculously Early Morning To Travel Far To A Freezing Cold Top Wildlife Spot, Ready To Capture The Majestic Flight Of The Heron


Image credits: Susan Elaine Jones

#41 He Said I Could Borrow The Bike!


Image credits: Jennifer Piehl Barker

#42 Boing


Image credits: Shaun Gingras

#43 A Friend Of Mine Now Co-Owns This Tree With A Family Of Owls. Here, They Are Carefully Watching My Friend's Little Girl Play At The Bottom Of The Tree. Ready To Judge I'm Sure


Image credits: Lynsey Kime‎

#44 .. And The Hoooooome Of Theeeeeee Braaaaaaave!"


Image credits: Angelique Tomeo

#45 Finally Found One Of Those Radioactive Spiders. No, It's Not Because Of The Flash


Image credits: Emmanuel Sanchez

#46 What Does One Call Such An Expression?


Image credits: Terje Rudi

#47 I Can Hear Thrash Metal In My Head


Image credits: David Himbert

#48 Motherhood At It's Finest


Image credits: Coda Gray

#49 What The Hell Did I Take A Picture Of??? Holy Gonads Batman


Image credits: Tracey Feeney Kennerley‎

#50 I Think He Needs Some Benadryl


Image credits: Maya Banitt

#51 What *does* The Fox Say?


Image credits: Mitchell Pavão-Zuckerman

#52 Elegant...


Image credits: Eunice T Butcher‎

#53 Downtown San Cristobal


Image credits: John Pracejus

#54 And Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Will Always.... Eat Bugs


Image credits: Lauren Eskierka

#55 Got Up Early This Morning, And Stepped Out Onto My Porch To Feed My Colony Of Stray Cats..... And Almost Put My Hand On The Biggest House Centipede That I’ve Ever Seen. Didn’t Scream, But I Did Drop The Cat Food! I Know It’s Not A Crappy Picture, Just Thought I’d Share


Image credits: Ursula Digel Wishin

#56 The Glorious Bald Eagle


Image credits: Bucky Baimbridge

#57 An Utter Fail At Taking This Photo Of A Bull Shark But Makes Me Want To Boop His Cute Lil Snoot


Image credits: Abbie Kerr

#58 My First Encounter With A Javelina, In Sedona, Arizona


Image credits: Gia Lugo de Overton

#59 Lovely Bit Of Twig Don’t You Think


Image credits: Christie Reeves

#60 A Gorgeous View Over Montreal


Image credits: Sammy Knight

#61 Our Dog House, Not Our Dog


Image credits: Joni Qualls

#62 Not Sure If It Fits The Brief Of Crap Photography But It Did Scare The Crap Out Of Me When I Walked Out The Door!!


Image credits: Shirley Freestone‎

#63 Mr.hissy Lives Under My Friends Porch And Has Raised Several Litters Of Babies. She Screams At The Dogs But Generally Just Chills. Finally Managed To Capture Her... Beauty On Camera After She Got Herself Stuck In The Trash Bin


Image credits: Peregrin Karber-Perreira‎

#64 U Wot Mate


Image credits: Belinda Hook‎

#65 Kookaburra Mouth


Image credits: Jennifer Wolcott‎

#66 The Majestic Bushbuck


Image credits: Tiffanie Meekins‎

#67 Racoons Are So Adorable With Their Little Masked Face. Everyone Else Gets Little Adorable Faces Looking Out The Hole, I Get This.


Image credits: Brad Bellisle

#68 Brisbane, Australia


Image credits: Angela Baranowskyj

#69 “My Turn! My Turn To Waterski!”


Image credits: Danielle Lewis

#70 Even The Giraffe Looks Unimpressed


Image credits: Ant Piqunewt

#71 My Mom Lives In Arizona. She Woke Up To Find This “Kitty” Sleeping On Her Patio.


Image credits: Mark Challender

#72 Heeeyyyy Laaayyydies!


Image credits: J Patrick Sullivan

#73 Hang In There!


Image credits: Jon Herring

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