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I Create Minimal Illustrations That Feature Cats (70 New Pics)

My name is Lim Heng Swee, and I'm a self-taught illustrator from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Cats, for me, are very mysterious animals. I like their personalities, which are always curious, calm, and relaxed. I always feel soothed when observing their postures, and I found that the curves of cats can perfectly blend into natural landscape scenes. Therefore, I decided to create a series of cat landscape artworks in which the cats play hide and seek with you inside these minimal landscape artworks.

Hope these simple, playful, colorful artworks with a touch of a sense of humor will ease the stressfulness we are facing in 2020.

If you're interested, you can find my previous posts hereherehere, here, and here.

Cheers! Meow on!

More info: Instagram | ilovedoodle.com | Facebook | Etsy







































































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