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Review: Avon Magic Effects Neon Nail Polishes (Striking Pink, Red Shock, Orange Blaze, Electric Blue)

Hey Beauties!

If pastels equal spring than neons equal summer. Summer usually means lots of vibrant colorful clothing, hot sun and with that also some fun colorful nails. I am not a huge lover of neon colors, but I do like them on my nail every now and then. Avon added four new nail polish shades to their Magic Effect Neon line.

Shades that are shown on the bottom photo are: Orange Blaze, Striking Pink, Red Shock and Electric Blue. All the shades have small shimmer in them which gives a bit more dimension to the nails and some added shine.

These come in their classic square glass bottles with black plastic tops. In each is 10 ml of product and regular price is 5.90€, but they're currently on offer for 3.30€

Let me just clarify that these are definitely not neon colored nail polishes. Usually neon nail polishes have a very bright neon color and need to be applied over white base to truly show the vibrant effect of neon color. These are definitely not neon colors, I would call them vibrant shades.

That being said, these can be worn on its own and they look just as vibrant. The shimmer in them makes them a bit more interesting and also gives them colorful sheen that sparkles in the sun.

Shimmer is small, so they're not hard to take off. Because of the shimmer I also find that they last a bit longer than usual gel like nail polishes. Formula is a bit on the transparent side. They remind me of gel nail polishes and you'll definitely need two coats to get full vibrancy of the shade. Even with two coats the formula will still let your nail see through a bit.

They lasted around 3 days on me, which is a good staying power for my nails. I have really weak and chipped nails. 

Striking Pink

Bright fuchsia pink with pink and blue shimmer. It looks like a regular bright pink, but small blue shimmer in it gives it a very cool purple blue sheen. 

Orange Blaze

Bright orange with light orange and pink shimmer. Bigger light orange shimmer looks almost look a bit golden, while small pink shimmer in it gives it a pink sheen. It still looks more golden orange when you apply it on the nails.

Red Shock

Pinkish red with pink and gold shimmer. It's more of a raspberry red shade, which looks a bit pinkish and similar to Striking Pink. But this one is warmer and has a bit of a golden sheen to it and looks more red.

Electric Blue

Bright blue with blue shimmer. It's a truly electric blue shade that has a cool tone to it.

I like the fact that Avon loves to add a spin on regular creme nail polishes. They often use glitter to create a bit of a different look to nail polish. These are definitely wrongly named neon, because are in fact not as bright as a true neon shade. I would say these are vibrant summer inspired nail polish shades. The selection is small and I would definitely add some brighter shades like yellows or greens. Formula is nice and it's fairly long lasting. If you find yourself in this small selection, definitely get some. 

My absolute winner and the most unique nail polish shade has to be Electric Blue. I just adore this vibrant blue shade. Shimmer in it makes it unique and perfect for when you want your nails to stand out. As I've been researching colors in my study time, I can guarantee you, you'll get lots of compliments, because apparently blue is the most loved color among most Europeans. I don't find other three shades as unique, but to each he's own. I always said I'm not a lover of blue and I've recently found four new blue nail polish shades that I just adore. 

*Products were sent to me.

Če na spomlad takoj pomislimo na pastele, potem so neon odtenki tisti, ki nas spomnijo na poletje. Poletje je polno živahnih odtenkov oblačil, močnega sonca in seveda tudi barvitih nohtov. Sama nisem velika oboževalka neon odtenkov, vendar se tu in tam najdejo tudi na mojih nohtih. Avon je v svojo zbirko dodal linijo štirih novih živih odtenkov. Linija se imenuje Magic Effects Neon.

Odtenki, ki so prikazani na fotografiji so: Orange Blaze, Striking Pink, Red Shock in Electric Blue. Vsi odtenki imajo majhne bleščice, ki dajejo lakom malo več 3D dimenzije in hkrati dodaten sijaj. 

Laki se nahajajo v klasičnih kvadratastih stekleničkah z črnim plastičnim pokrovom. V vsakem je 10 ml izdelka in redna cena je 5.90€. Trenutno jih lahko dobite za 3.30€ (tukaj).

Najprej moram razjasniti, da ti laki vsekakor niso pravi neon laki. Po navadi imajo neon laki zelo živ odtenek barve, ki se večkrat nanaša preko bele podlage, da je neon odtenek res viden. Ti odtenki vsekakor niso neon. Sama bi jih mogoče poimenovala kot barvite žive odtenke. 

Avonovi laki se lahko nosijo sami po sebi, brez kakršne koli podlage. Majhne bleščice v njih jih naredijo bolj zanimive in dodajo barvni podlagi malo barvnega sijaja, ki se še posebej lepo blešči pod sončnimi žarki.

Bleščice so zelo majhne in jih ni težko odstraniti. Zaradi bleščic se mi zdi, da so laki tudi bolj obstojni kot navadni. Formula je rahlo prozorna in me spominja na gel lake. Vsekakor boste potrebovali dva nanosa, da bo lak v celoti enakomerno pokril noht. Tudi po dveh nanosih je noht še vedno rahlo viden. 

Na meni so se laki obdržali okrog 3 dni, kar je zelo dobra doba za moje nohte. Imam namreč zelo slabe in cepljene nohte.

Striking Pink

Živa fuksija z roza in modrimi bleščicami. Izgleda kot navaden živ roza odtenek, ampak majhne modre bleščice mu dajo hladen vijolično moder sijaj.

Orange Blaze

Živo oranžna s svetlo oranžnimi in roza bleščicami. Večje svetlo oranžne bleščice izgledajo skoraj zlate, med tem ko majhne roza, dajejo odtenku roza sijaj. Na nohtih odtenek izgleda bolj zlato oranžen odtenek.

Red Shock

Roza rdeča z roza in zlatimi bleščicami. Je bolj malinasto rdeč odtenek, ki izgleda skoraj bolj roza in podoben Striking Pink. Ta je toplejši in ima zlat sijaj, prav tako pa je sam odtenek bolj rdeč kot roza.

Electric Blue

Živo modra z modrimi bleščicami. Gre za pravi živo moder odtenek s hladnim podtonom.

Všeč mi je, da Avon rad preseneča s svojimi laki. Večkrat ustvari drugačne kolekcije, ki niso tipični kremni finiši. Predvsem rad dodaja bleščice, ki imajo same po sebi zanimiv efekt. Ta kolekcija se po mojem mnenju napačno imenuje neon, ker odtenki vsekakor niso pravi neon odtenki. Gre za bolj žive odtenke lakov, ki so črpali inspiracijo iz poletnih barv. Nabor je majhen in sama bi vsekakor dodala še kakšen živ rumen ali zelen odtenek. Formula je dobra in dokaj obstojna. Če se najdete v naboru odtenkov, vam vsekakor priporočam, da kakšnega preizkusite.

Moj absolutni zmagovalec je Electric Blue. Obožujem ta živ moder odtenek. Bleščice v njem mu dajejo unikatnost in naredijo nohte še bolj opazne in zanimive. V času šolanja sem preučevala barve in se naučila, da bi naj bila modra najbolj pribljubljena barva med Evropejci. S tem odtenkom boste zagotovo navdušili veliko mimoidočih pogledov. Ostali trije odtenki se meni osebno ne zdijo tako posebni. Vedno sem trdila, da nimam rada modre, pa sem v prejšnjem mesecu našla kar štiri modre odtenke lakov, ki jih naravnost obožujem. 

*Izdelki so mi bili poslani.

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