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Scatter my Ashes at Bergdorf Goodmans

So I settled in to watch, 'Scatter my Ashes at Bergdorf Goodmans' last night.

I gotta tell you guys, don't waste your time! I was really interested to see what they might include in the documentary, given that Selfridges have had such a moment with documenteries and the Mr Selfridge TV series. The whole thing was just a let down.

The film opens with an array of designers all gushing about BGs. I sat through this waiting for the good stuff to start. But no, the whole film is designer, after staff member after celebrity talking about the place as if it is the kingdom of heaven. Fair enough.

However it isnt exactly something you want to spend more then ten minutes watching. I felt like I was watching a promotional staff training video. I also fell asleep!

The only interesting bit of the entire video is when they dive into the world of visual merchandising. This may have only been interesting to me given that I used to work in VM for a few different brands and have dressed a few Christmas windows in my time! I looked at the video with interest. However this is a small section and its the only bit of lively action in the whole thing. I didn't even bother watching the end of the film to see the finished window. Yawns.

I felt that this was a massive waste of time. Department store documentaries and high end designer culture can be covered successfully and tastefully. This was just an embarrassment and boring. Sorry guys but FAIL!

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