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Interview: Emma Åvall (Requiem pour un con), a modern mod between us.

Due to my classes, I must do some interviews to people who I admire or think that are interesting; so after doing them, I asked the interviewee if I can publish here my work... so, if everything goes alright, you'll see some nice interviews around here! For some people, I would follow like some questionnaire I made...

And today, I want to start with the gorgeous Emma Åvall, one of my muses!

The great Serge Gainsbourg wrote songs that inspired many people. One of these songs, in particular, inspired just someone who, perhaps unwittingly, turn inspires hundreds of people daily.

The person I'm talking about is called Emma and is a lovely Swedish girl who lives in Göteborgt. I discovered almost by chance, leaping through the network, and fell in love with her wonderful style and simplicity with which he recounts her life, concerns and passions. I love that she shared her inspiration with us, which we feel inspired too, and show us the world through her big blue eyes with the pictures she takes.

As you open her blog you realize that Emma loves everything about the sixties, and looking at a picture of her, that impression becomes a reality ... but ... Who is Emma Åvall? 

Q: So, first of all, could you please tell us who you are and a brief description of you?
A: My name is Emma Åvall. I'm just a nineteen-year-old dreamer from Sweden.

Q: What do you do? What do you like to dedicate?
A: When I'm not working myself to sleep at the factory I go to vintage shops, have picnics with friends in a park (when the weather allows it), dance at nightclubs or kiss my boyfriend's spine.

Q: Can you talk a little about your interests?
A: Art is what moves me. Photography, painting, movies. It's what's always in my thoughts. I look for beautifulness everywhere.

Q: Tell us a book, an album or a movie without which you could not live.
A: I'd have to say the short film "Le Ballon Rouge" from 1956. When I saw it I immediately knew it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever was going to lay my eyes on.

Q: Would you
share with us a memory that makes you smile?
A: Oh it's too hard to choose just one. But I have many memories of my boyfriend that makes me smile like an idiot.

Any favourite quote?
A: "Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination." - Oscar Wilde.

Q: At what age did your get interested in the fashion world?
A: I guess I've been interested in fashion since I was around eleven/twelve, but I've never really chosen to dress according to today's fashion even though I find all kinds of fashion interesting.

Could you explain to us a bit about what has been the evolution of your image?
A: Up to seventh grade I looked kind of like most other people at my school. Then I went through a quite extreme transformation. I went from being that blonde-haired girl with tight blue jeans and a tank top to wearing a leather jacket filled with studs and pins and all different colours in my hair every other month. I discovered punk music and that made me change my style in clothing. After about three years as a punk girl I started to get tired of it. I had changed a bit as a person and so the style needed a change to. Without really looking for a change I found the mod-movement and the sixties. I cut my hair in a bob and bough colourful minidresses. It came naturally to me but I guess it may have been a bit weird transformation to some people. 
Q:  How would you describe your actual style?
A: 60's mod. colourful and magical.

Q: What inspired you to choose your clothes? Do you follow a pattern to match your clothes or just choose randomly?
A: I choose according to mood.
Q: Where do you usually get your clothes? Do you customize or sew any garment for you?
A: I buy practically all of my clothes in vintage stores and on eBay.
Q: Have you got any special obsession (like shoes, bows, skirts...)?
A: Mini dresses are like my signature clothing.

Q: When and why did you decide to start writing a blog?
A: The blog I have now I started a little over a year ago but I had one before that in about six months. I started it to have a place to run to. A place that was all mine. I wanted to have a blog that I wanted to read myself.

What do you want to express with your blog? Do you think it adds anything to the people who read it?
A: I want to express creativity. I think people may feel inspired by my blog. I try to keep it as positive as I can and leave out most of the bad parts of everyday life.

What do you feel when someone says you are his/her inspiration? What would you say to those people?
A: It makes me happy when someone says something like that. But I don't think I quite understand that they actually mean it.

Q: And finally, please,
tell us a tip for your readers (a tip for their lives, for the fashion bloggers' world or whatever you want to say to them).  
A: Might sound like a cliché but; be yourself. Everything else is just plain stupid.

Thank you so much, Emma!

If you want to know more about Emma, please, visit her blog or her Flickr!

I hope you all enjoyed it and learned so much about Emma as I did!

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