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Britney Spears and Weed's Guillermo in 'I Wanna Go'

Back with her 3rd single off her Femme Fetale party Britney Spears goes tongue in cheek with her Chris Marrs Piliero directed short video for 'I Wanna Go'.

The video starts with momma Britney lashing out at her press conference's media and well after that Britney takes a line from her song to "be a little inappropiate".

Lets just say that this is Britney's most personal video to date (besides her beautifully disturbing ) dusting off her acting chops which we may say are pretty sharp next to actor Guillermo Díaz who is best know for his roles on TV's Weeds and such movies as Half Backed.
In an interview with the New York Post, [Director] Piliero explained that Spears contacted him and asked him to put together a concept for the video. He stated that main idea came from the lyric "be a little inappropiate", saying, "That stood out but I didn't want to make a video that was all about sexual inappropriateness – that wasn't the vibe that either of us wanted. We were on the same page about exploring fun ways for her to be inappropriate. She's Britney Spears – how would you react if you asked for an autograph and she grabbed your ass?!?".

Regarding not making "just another paparazzi video", Piliero commented that he watched all of Spears's videos and wanted to pull what he loved from them, but also give it something fresh. He said, "One thing that stood out to me was all her references to the paparazzi were always more of a statement than an action. She'd never embraced the opportunity to lash out, fight back. I thought this was the perfect chance to be tongue in cheek but also get her to say 'f[uck] off!'". Piliero wrote the opening press conference scene not knowing if Spears would approve it, but was "stoked at how game she was." He explained that, having seen her on How I Met Your Mother and Saturday Night Live, he felt that none of her videos had really taken advantage of her comedic timing. "She never had a music video where she could show her acting chops and have fun with comedy while being super badass. That was my goal from day one: I wanted her to be funny, badass and super cool", said Piliero. He also stated that the Crossroads reference "[i]s a fun Easter egg for fans. Plus, Die Hard 2: Die Harder is the most ridiculously awesome way to title a sequel. It just felt like the right thing to do. When Britney saw it, she loved it."

Do you Wanna Go? Hop in the back seat and take a ride with Britney bitch!

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