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Let's talk about personal style...

Let's take a second and chat about personal style now, shall we? I feel like there's so much pressure to fit into a certain category of style and call that your own personal style whether it be "edgy," "preppy," "girly," "sporty," and so on. But who's the fashion police that said we had to pick a category and fit into it?

Styling a denim skirt
Outfit Details: Navy and White Striped Tee || Denim Skirt || Cat Clutch (old, similar HERE) || Espadrilles || Alex and Ani Bracelets: Initial, Pineapple, Unicorn || Gold Studs c/o (super similar HERE)

Happy Monday friends!

The topic of personal style has been on my mind a lot lately. I'm not sure if it's just me getting older and wanting to try to define it more, or the fact that I've been shopping a lot lately or there are just so many new trends out right now and I'm not sure which ones I should try. With all that being said, the topic of which style category I think I fit in also plays a part in me choosing which clothing items to purchase, how to style it, etc. etc. etc.

I mean, don't get me wrong, style categories are great and if you want to categorize yourself as a certain style and dress that way, all power to you. But, here's the thing about me, I'm not huge on labels. This could partially be because I feel like I never perfectly fit under one label. 

Navy and orange outfit
styling a striped tee

Growing up I never fit into one "crowd" whether it be with the popular kids, the artsy ones, the cheerleaders, or the brainiacs. I feel like I had a dabble in a little of each, but never completely in one category... The same goes for fashion. If you read the "Evolution of My Style" post then you may have seen that I dabbled in a little with a more edgier side, I have a girly side and now recently a more preppy side. 

I was actually thinking of writing a blog post on "How to find your personal style," but was having a hard time because I couldn't even put my hand on what exactly my personal style is. Sure I have ideas of what styles I like and I would definitely say I have a "girly" style and I do enjoy dressing "preppy" sometimes, but I feel like I have felt so limited with what I could and could not wear because it didn't really fit into those two categories.

Forever 21 denim skirt
How to style a denim skirt

I have been finding myself trying on clothing items that I love on, but step away from purchasing because they aren't considered in my category of style... whatever that is. For example, I have been really into the denim skirt trend that's been popping up lately, but have been hesitant about picking one up because I was afraid that it isn't me or isn't considered girly, or preppy or classic, or whatever the heck my style is supposed to be.

Styling a denim button down skirt for summer

*Plot twist: I ended up buying a denim skirt... and I LOVE it.

casual summer fashion

But, you know what? WHO CARES. That's the thing about personal style. It's your own PERSONAL style. If you want to wear a Lilly skort and a white button-down one day and an oversized tee with thigh-high boots the next then do it! The awesome thing about fashion and personal style is that it's how you make a certain piece of clothing your own! You want a denim skirt? Go ahead and get it. One person may style it with a graphic tee and some sneakers and I will probably pair it with a flowy floral top and some cute flats. It's how you add your own personal flair to it.

Straw cat clutch
Orange and blue outfit idea

Who's to say that you have to put yourself in one little style box and only wear that? I've heard so many times how it is important to define your personal style or work on building your style aesthetic and yadda yadda ya... But to be honest it's been so hard for me to find my own personal style because I feel like I'm a dabble of style in every little box. But you know what? That's OK! 

Forever 21 denim skirt

That's what makes styling and fashion so fun! You can mix J.crew and Urban Outfitters together. You can mix a pair of Lilly Pulitzer shorts with a fun graphic tee. If you think it looks cute and if it makes you happy then do it. 

Bottom line: Wear whatever you want and what makes you happy. Add your own personal flare to make each outfit your own and don't worry about fitting into a certain category! 

Casual summer outfit

I want to start branching out and stepping outside of my style comfort zone a bit this year. I want to experiment more and I can't wait to share the types of outfits I pair together with you all! 

What are your thoughts on categorizing yourself? What would you say your personal style is? Let me know in the comments down below! I'd love to hear your thoughts! I hope you all have a wonderful day and as always, thank you for reading!

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